Town and Country Garden Club of Libertyville Illinois
We will work to learn, appreciate and preserve what nature has given us.
We will take part in civic projects to beautify our area, both in our own gardens and in public spaces.
We will take lessons and learn how to enhance our lives and homes with flower arrangements.
We will share skill and knowledge with each other in our club and support the efforts of our state and national organizations.
The Town and Country Garden Club pursues new gardening techniques and knowledge while sharing our skills and interests with the community in civic service projects and educational outreach.
We meet monthly from March - December. Most meetings feature an educational lesson in someone's home or at a point of interest. Our civic projects include a new butterfly garden by the Civic Center, civic plantings, and college scholarships for studies in the areas of horticulture and environmental sciences.
We are a diverse group of members from the greater Libertyville area. Our commonality is a love of gardens, flowers, and all nature. Membership is capped at 35, as most Town and Country Garden Club meetings are held in members' homes.
2019 District IX, 1st place, Ongoing Civic Project
2019 Plant America Grant Recipient